Rent your ideal Hyundai for a few days or months.

Flexible rental, all inclusive and ready to use from 24€/day or 384€/month

  • All included
  • Flexible duration
  • Free cancellations
  • Wide range of models

Rent your ideal Hyundai in less than 2 minutes


Flexible duration

Rent for as long as you wish, for a day, a week or a year. With early delivery option.


Choose your ideal Hyundai

Choose the Hyundai model that you need or that best suits you. Take the opportunity to drive a Hyundai Electric. The car you choose is the one you will drive.


Simple and quick

Just a click away, through the App or at a Hyundai dealership

Choose the Hyundai you need

There is a Hyundai for each driver, for each situation, for each moment. Choose yours. The car you choose is exactly the one you are going to drive.


The only plan is to not have any plans

xtraFLEX is the perfect solution for those who need a car, but do not need commitments. Flexible rental for individuals or companies with the trust of Hyundai. Practical, safe and hassle free.


Easy and flexible. Rent your Hyundai in less than 2 minutes

Fill in these details and pick up your Hyundai at one of the available dealerships.